Lot 2
Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts Shelf Stable Hemp Seeds, 24oz; with 10g Protein & 12g Omegas per Serving, Keto, Gl
Timed Auction
Food Essentials Auction

Retail price: $14.99

At 10g Plant Protein per serving, hemp hears have two times more protein than chia or flax. These super seeds also offer 12g Omegas 3 & 6 and only 1g Carbs per serving! Hemp is a super seed packed with plant-based protein, healthy fats and other vital nutrients. Hemp Hearts are an excellent source of Iron, Niacin, Thiamine, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, and Zinc. Zinc contributes to the normal function of the immune system. Hemp Hearts are also a good source of Vitamin B6 and Folate. Experiencing the benefits of hemp is easy. With a light, nutty flavor that complements almost any dish, Hemp Hearts are the perfect boost to any meal. Sprinkle Hemp Hearts on salad, cereal, yogurt or blend them into smoothies. Expiry date 8/1/2021


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