Timed Auction
Baby Products Auction
Retail price: $24.99
Expiry Date: 10/27/2020One liter fluid serving of our electrolyte solution provides: Sodium, 45 mEq; Potassium, 20 mEq; Chloride, 35 mEq. Basic Care Electrolyte Solution, Grape, compares to Pedialyte*. *Pedialyte is a registered trademark of Abbott Laboratories. This product is not manufactured or distributed by Abbott Nutrition, Abbott Laboratories, the distributor of Pedialyte.
REPLACING ELECTROLYTES and replenishing zinc, this product is a liquid electrolyte solution in a grape *flavor+ and may be used by adults as well as children. +Artificially flavored
Electrolytes are minerals with an electric charge. They fuel some of our bodies' basic functions. Electrolytes include sodium, potassium and chloride.**
Basic Care Electrolyte Solution is an electrolyte liquid solution that helps to replace electrolytes and zinc as well as fluids to help prevent dehydration.
Basic Care Electrolyte Solution is great for kids & adults. Quickly replenishes fluid, zinc and electrolytes lost during diarrhea and vomiting more effectively than sports drinks, sodas, juices and water to help prevent dehydration and replenish electrolytes. The formulation is Kosher Certified – (U).
Brand-new, unopened, fully functional items in original retail packaging. All items are graded and processed by our qualified team members. If an item arrives not as described please contact us at support@liquidationsplus.com.